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Mastering Excel: Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficiency

 Sure, here are some commonly used Microsoft Excel shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl + C: Copy

  2. Ctrl + X: Cut
  3. Ctrl + V: Paste
  4. Ctrl + Z: Undo

  5. Ctrl + Y: Redo

  6. Ctrl + S: Save

  7. Ctrl + N: New workbook

  8. Ctrl + O: Open workbook

  9. Ctrl + P: Print

  10. Ctrl + F: Find

  11. Ctrl + H: Replace

  12. Ctrl + A: Select all

  13. Ctrl + B: Bold

  14. Ctrl + I: Italic

  15. Ctrl + U: Underline

  16. Ctrl + 1: Format cells dialog box

  17. Ctrl + 5: Strikethrough

  18. Ctrl + 9: Hide rows

  19. Ctrl + 0: Hide columns

  20. Ctrl + Shift + +: Insert new row/column

  21. Ctrl + -: Delete row/column

  22. F2: Edit cell

  23. Ctrl + Arrow keys: Navigate to the edge of data region

  24. Ctrl + Home: Go to cell A1

  25. Ctrl + End: Go to the last cell containing data

  26. Alt + Enter: Insert a new line in a cell

  27. F4: Repeat the last action

  28. Ctrl + Shift + L: Turn on/off filter

  29. Ctrl + Shift + $: Apply currency format

  30. Ctrl + Shift + %: Apply percentage format

These are just a few shortcuts to get you started, but Excel has many more!

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