Introduction to Excel

Microsoft Excel is a Windows based application package that can be used to automate tasks such as Calculation and analysis of data.

 MS-Excel works the way you want I.E. It can be Customized. It provides ease of work with the following features 

Tip Wizard - Guides you to work more effectively while you work by displaying various helpful tips and Techniques based on what you are doing .

Drag and Drop Feature-It help you to reposition the data and text by simply dragging the data with the help of mouse.

Auto fill -It helps you to fill rows or columns with the series of data .

Auto sum-You can add a large range of data by simple selecting a tool button .

Windows Interface - As Excel is windows based package therefore the user interface is consistent .

Shortcut Menus -Commands appropriate to the task that you are doing appear by clicking the right mouse button.

Built in Spell cheek -You con maintain a dictionary of the words usually used in your work and spell -cheek your spreadsheet.


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