Workplace of Excel Spreadsheet

Menu Bar-Different options for selection .

Standard Toolbar -It is displayed by default and provides shortcuts for the common commands used.

Formula Bar -Any text, data or formula that is being keyed in or edited is displayed in it .

Name Box-Displays the address of the current cell.

Scroll Box-Used to move up or down in the worksheet using mouse.

Sheet Tab-Displays the name of  the current worksheet that can be changed by double clicking on it and giving a new name in the dialogue box .

Status Bar-Left part displays the various messages like Ready mode (when Excel is ready to accept data into the spreadsheet ) or Edit mode (While in the editing mode ). The right part highlights the status of keys of the keyboard .

Row Headings -They are numbered as 1,2,3,........16384.

Column Headings -These are addressed as A,B,C,...IV.

Active Cell -Intersection of each row and column is called a cell.


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