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Navigating within Excel worksheet

 With Mouse :-You can move the mouse pointer to move to any cell of any worksheet of the workbook.

This is done through:-

1. Click on up-arrow or down -arrow button on the scroll bar .

2. Click on the sheet tabs.

3.Click on any cell .

4. To move quickly to any cell choose Edit ->Go to 

With Keyboard 

TO Move                                                                   KEY PRESSED 

Right ,Left ,Up ,Down one cell                                 Arrow Keys

Up or Down one screen                                              Pg Up or Pg Down 

Beginning of row                                                         Home key 

To cell A1                                                                    Ctrl + Home 

To lower right corner                                                  Ctrl + End 

To last cell in current row                                           End or  Enter key

To lower right corner of window                                 End ( with Scroll Lock on )

To upper Left corner of window                                  Home (with Scroll Lock on )

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