
MS Excel for Range Names

A name can be given to a single cell or a range of cells ( e.g.B3:F9). The range name can be used in place Of these cell references .Also the range specified for a range name can be modified. To define a name ,following points have to be considered . 1. Name contain only letters from A-Z., or a-z, numbers 1-9.     The period ( .) and the underscore ( _ ) . 2. Maximum length can be up to 255 characters . 3. Name cannot be same as cell reference like $F10$ or F10 . 4.  Spaces are not allowed .

Cell References

T here are 16384 rows and 256 columns in one worksheet .The first cell is labelled as A1 (column as A and Row number as 1) or R1C1 . Example :- 3C3 refers to row 3 column 3 and is equivalent to C3. Thus he last cell is labelled as IV16384. This is called the cell address And they reused to identify the cell . Cell reference are given in different ways: Relative -This refers to the cell relative to the given position . Example: Enter the following values : In cell A3 enter the value 34 In cell A4 enter the value 23 In cell A5 enter the value 89 In cell A6 enter the formula =A3+A4+A5 Copy this formula to the cell A7,and see the result. Observe the formula entered in cell A7.It is A4+A5+A6.The formula entered in cell A6 means the sum of the values given in the three cell given above the current cell. Therefore when we move down , the relation specified in the formula was copied (  I . e . the three values given above the current cell which is A7 now ) Absolute -  This refers to ...

To Create a Custom List

Create a Custom List . 1. Enter the given list starting from cell L5 to L8 .      *Left       *Right       *UP      *Down  2. Select this range of cells . 3. Select Options .. from Tools menu. 4. Select Customs tab from the Custom dialogue box. 5. Click on OK. OR 1. Select Tools -> Options . 2. Click on Custom List tab. 3. Type the custom list in the List Entries Box. 4. Click on OK. Data , If written incorrectly , can be edited by following ways: 1. Select the cell with some value to be edited . 2. Press F2 and using Backspace key erase the previous entry. you can retype the correct data. OR Simply select the cell and retype the entry . To bring back the previous entry either click on Undo button on Standard Toolbar or choose Edit-> Undo option. OR Pressing Alt + Backspace or ctrl-Z keys can also be used to perform the undo task. OR To clear the cell entry , select the cell to be cleared and press Del...

Enter And Edit Data

The various kinds of entries that can be made in a cell are : Text - First select the cell in which the data has to be entered and type - in the text. Press Enter Key to finish your entry . The data will be displayed in the active cell  as well as in the formula Bar . To enter digits as text ( calculations cannot be done using these kind of entries ) use an apostrophe(') as the first character . Number -Numbers include digits from 0 to 9 and some special characters like: $ % + - / ( ) , . E e Date and Time -Date and Time entries are interpreted in a special way in Excel. They are represented as numbers for Excel given to each day from 01.01.1900 ( Serial number 1 ) to 31.12.2078 (serial number 65380 ). Although when you type a date in the cell like 01/01/2022, It will be displayed as it is. Example : Ty[e TODAY ( ) in a blank cell and press Enter Key .( This function will display the system date and time ). Data in Series - You con fill a range of cells either with the same ...

Getting Started With Excel

Open the workbook to start your work on a worksheet .At times , you might required name to insert or Delete a worksheet , and cells to be selected . Create a Workbook  -Select the New ..command from the File menu. The workbook is opened by Default Name of BOOK1. Open a Workbook - To open an existing workbook ,sheet Open option from the File menu . Names of The Recently used files are listed in the file menu and can be selected by merely clicking on the name Of the file to be opened . Find a Workbook - Choose  File ->Open command .Select Find File . option from the dialogue box That is opened .Consequently ,another dialogue box is opened in which the details like name ,directory are to be given. Insert a Worksheet - To insert a workbook between two worksheets choose Worksheet option from the Insert menu. Delete a Worksheet -To remove a worksheet from the workbook ,select Delete Sheet  from the Edit menu. A dialogue box will appear to confirm this action. Move the ...

Worksheets within workbook

MS-Excel document is called as a workbook. Each workbook contains 16 worksheets by default. This number can by changed if required by resetting the default options . Worksheets within workbooks Make it easy to bind files of related information.  When a workbook is opened , all worksheets of that workbook become available to the user automatically .

Workplace of Excel Spreadsheet

  Menu Bar -Different options for selection . Standard Toolbar -It is displayed by default and provides shortcuts for the common commands used. Formula Bar  -Any text, data or formula that is being keyed in or edited is displayed in it . Name Box-D isplays the   address of the current cell. Scroll Box- Used to move up or down in the worksheet using mouse. Sheet Tab -Displays the name of  the current worksheet that can be changed by double clicking on it and giving a new name in the dialogue box . Status Bar -Left part displays the various messages like Ready mode (when Excel is ready to accept data into the spreadsheet ) or Edit mode (While in the editing mode ). The right part highlights the status of keys of the keyboard . Row Headings -They are numbered as 1,2,3,........16384. Column Headings -These are addressed as A,B,C,...IV. Active Cell -Intersection of each row and column is called a cell.